The average weather in Weston, FL, often depends on the season. Summer in this area is often made up of hot, long, and mostly clear skies. It has an average high temperature that calls for less clothing. This is the exact opposite during the winter. The climate during this period is windy with partly cloudy skies.
You should expect the temperature to be between 40 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) throughout the year. According to reviews online, the best time to visit Weston is from early May to late October.
Let’s explore the weather conditions in Weston and measure weather elements such as rain, precipitation, snow, sunshine, wind direction, wind speed, etc. This helps us to accurately discover the warmest month, the coldest month, the wettest month, the driest month, and many more.
The Climate in Weston, FL
This section explores each element and how they influence the average weather in Weston. Some of them highly impact the temperature and climate of the area. Others are also a result of another element. The relationship between temperature, the amount of daylight, and whether or not the sky is partly cloudy is a perfect example.
Average Temperature in Weston
The hot season in Weston, FL, often lasts for three to four months. During this time the average high temperature is above 85°F. Data shows that August is often the hottest month every year with an average high temperature of 90°F and low temperature of 75°F.
Conversely, the cool season lasts for about three months. This is usually from early December to late February when the average high temperature is below 75°F. January is undoubtedly the coldest month with temperatures reaching below 60°F. The average low temperature during this period is 58°F.
Cloud cover is not quite significant in Weston, FL. Expect mostly clear skies throughout the year in this part of the sunshine state. Beginning in October, the clear skies may last for an average of seven months to end sometime in May.
Research shows that February is the clearest month of the year with the least cloud cover. However, around the end of May, residents experience partly cloudy skies in the area to usher in the cold season.
July is the cloudiest month of the year here, with an overcast and mostly cloudy sky.
Experiencing a wet day in Weston is not highly probable due to the level of precipitation in the area. The wet season lasts about five months between May and October. August is considered the wettest month with at least 0.04 inches of precipitation for about 20 days.
Shockingly, the driest month in Weston is December, with an average of five days with a minimum of 0.04 inches of precipitation.
Rainfall data is presented as an accumulation over a 31-day sliding window centered around every day of the year. This helps show variation and not periodic totals.
Rain falls throughout the year in Weston, with June being the rainiest month per average rainfall statistics. December has the least rain with an average rainfall measurement of 1.3 inches.
The average length of daylight in Weston varies throughout the year. December often records the shortest day of the year, and the longest happens in June. Residents experience about 13 hours of sunlight during such long days.
Daylight saving time often starts in March and lasts for about eight months in Weston. The amount of sunlight in a day influences the temperature in determining the warmest month in the year. Whether the sky is partly cloudy or not also affects this measurement.
Humidity in Weston is based on the comfort level on the dew point. This is because it determines the rate at which the body perspires to enable it cool down.
The dew point level affects how dry the atmosphere feels. Days with low points are mostly dry and vice versa. It changes slowly, making it more constant throughout the day, unlike the temperature recordings.
Perceived humidity in Weston has extreme variation.
Measuring wind as an element considers a few factors that come together to produce accurate data. Experts use the wide-area hourly average wind vector in Weston. This is 10 meters above the ground and considers the direction and speed of the wind in the measurement.
The element is also highly dependent on the topography of the area and season. Wind speeds vary throughout the year reaching average speeds of 9.5 miles per hour during windier months. This is usually from October to May, with March (the windiest month) recording the highest average hourly wind speeds. They can reach almost 11.5 miles per hour in that month.
Calmer winds blow for about four to five months with July, the calmest month, recording the slowest wind speeds.
Water Temperature
Water temperature in Weston also varies throughout the year. This is influenced by large water bodies near the area. They include the ocean, large lakes, rivers, etc. Just as partly cloudy skies and the amount of daylight, this element influences the average temperature of Weston.
It measures the average surface temperature of the water body to provide a figure for statistical analysis.
What Is the Best Time of the Year to Visit Weston?
Is the sun out? Is it partly cloudy? Should I dress for a warm or cold temperature? These are valid questions that residents and tourists in Weston use to guide their plans.
The elements listed come together to create pleasant weather conditions that promote outdoor activities. Tourists often love clear, rainless days with warm temperatures that enable them to include swimming.
Nobody wants to explore the area wrapped up in winter clothes and trying not to catch a cold. The sunshine state is truly a tourist haven.
You can check weather statistics and tourist reviews to give you a deeper insight into the best time to visit Weston and the activities you should expect. It is always a good idea to plan ahead.