Are Florida Property Taxes High?

Property Taxes

Florida’s property tax rates are relatively low when compared to other states. According to WalletHub, Florida was ranked no. 24 in the nation for effective property tax rates in 2021, with the average homeowner paying 0.89% of their home’s value in taxes each year. This is below the national average of 0.99% . The typical homeowner in Florida … Read more

Child Support in Florida

Child Support in Florida

Child support in Florida is determined by the state’s guidelines. The guidelines take into account both parents’ incomes and the needs of the child. The amount of child support may be increased or decreased if there are special circumstances, such as when one parent has a higher income than the other. The process of setting … Read more

Day Care Florida

Day Care Florida

Florida has always been a popular destination, with world-class theme parks, beautiful beaches, and copious sunshine. In recent years, however, Florida has been attracting more visitors than Disney World, though, and that’s because more and more people realize the benefits of having their children attend day care in Florida. Many day care in Florida provide … Read more

Secretary of State in Florida

Secretary of State in Florida

The Secretary of State of Florida is an elected constitutional officer, one of many Florida legislature whose mission is to provide citizens with accurate information and administer elections official. Florida’s Secretary of State manages and maintains Florida’s official state records; issues business licenses; manages investor protection programs; and registers charitable organizations. Florida Legislature The Secretary … Read more

Solar Panels Florida Law

Solar Panels Florida Law

Florida is a sunny state, and it’s no surprise that solar panels are growing in popularity. And if you’re buying Florida solar panels, you need to understand that there are some restrictions on the types of panels you can use. Rooftop Solar panels were all the rage in 2017—and they’re here to stay, thanks to … Read more

Florida Disaster Relief

Florida Disaster Relief

Florida has been hit with triple digit heat indices with its fair share of disasters over the years and is no stranger to hurricanes and tropical storms. The damage from the storm has been devastating. Many residents have been left homeless, damaged, and without the basic necessities for survival; this is the effect of the … Read more

Department of Economic Opportunity Florida

Department of economic opportunity florida

The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity offers a number of programs and services specific to Florida residents, including individual and family services, employment services, occupational licensing services, and economic development services. The agency also provides support to a number of nonprofit organizations focused on health-related issues and services. What is the Department of Economic Opportunity … Read more

Florida Connect

Florida Connect

The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) operates the WorkSource Florida network, which has over 200 offices throughout Florida. These offices can help the unemployed workers who actively seeking work to find job, improve your job skills, get access to training and referrals to jobs, and connect you to other services to help you get … Read more

When Was USF Founded


The University of South Florida is a modern state university; the USF academic calendar offers 200 programs across 25 colleges, including community sciences college, medical college, pharmacy college, marine science college, university and student media, arts and sciences college, public health college, and college sports. The North Dakota State University University Transportation Center (UTC) is … Read more

Florida Budget Deficit

Budget Deficit

Florida’s budget woes have been well documented. Lawmakers need to find a way to close a $9.8 billion deficit by 2018. The legislature is moving forward with a plan that would divert $220 million from local governments, a move that has drawn criticism from local officials. The budget also proposes adding tolls in the state’s … Read more